Yet another release by the very productive act Human Waste. The material for this record are indeed quite primitive and this really shows of the groups best side! Personkrets 3:1 gives us a new dose of their angst, the songs are massive! If you liked the "Kampen mot livet" demo CD from Personkrets 3:1 (KASSCD20, soon also as cassette on ETSM), you will love this new material! Personkrets 3:1 will appear on this with three tracks. The fourth one, that will be recorded at the same time as the others, will appear on the "HjÀlp snuten" compilation (KASSCD21, ETSM).
Yet another release by the very productive act Human Waste. The material for this record are indeed quite primitive and this really shows of the groups best side! Personkrets 3:1 gives us a new dose of their angst, the songs are massive! If you liked the "Kampen mot livet" demo CD from Personkrets 3:1 (KASSCD20, soon also as cassette on ETSM), you will love this new material! Personkrets 3:1 will appear on this with three tracks. The fourth one, that will be recorded at the same time as the others, will appear on the "HjÀlp snuten" compilation (KASSCD21, ETSM).